Jewish Terms and Traditions
Head Covering
In “Tradition” Tevye mentions that they must always keep their head covered. While Jewish law does not explicitly require that men cover their heads, by the middle ages it was established that a head covering was required when speaking sacred words and entering sacred buildings. For most European Orthodox Jews, constant head covering became customary at all times, sometimes even including when they sleep. According to ancient law, married women are required to cover their hair when in public. In some communities unmarried women cover their hair as well, however, this custom is not very widespread. The level at which women cover their hair varies by community, but most places in Eastern Europe and consider it sufficient to cover the majority of the hair, while some may still show. For more on Jewish head coverings, click here
unsurprisingly, l’chaim is a Hebrew toast meaning “to life.” Often when a Jewish couple gets engaged, they have a party with friends and family to celebrate, which is also sometimes called a l’chaim.
Mazel tov
Translated literally from Hebrew, mazel tov means “good luck.” Usually, the term is meant to mean “congratulations.”
Prayer Shawl
Also mentioned in “Tradition” a prayer shawl, or tallit is an important part of Jewish prayer traditions. There are multiple versions, the tallit gadol, or large tallit, is worn during morning prayer services by all of the men in a synagogue. The smaller version, the tallit katan, is worn under or over men’s clothing. The tallit is made with specific requirements for the fringes and knots to remind the wearer of the commandments in the Torah. For more info on prayer shawls, click here.
A rabbi is a teacher of Judaism, in Hebrew, the word literally translates to “my teacher.” A rabbi is meant to be the authority of Jewish law, and for most of Jewish history, the primary qualification to become a rabbi was simply a thorough knowledge of Jewish law in order to make decisions based on it. In the show, the villagers ask the rabbi for help on decisions related to their faith. For example, the rabbi is consulted during the wedding about the sinfulness of men and women dancing together, and he is later asked to bless a sewing machine. For more information on rabbis click here.
According to Jewish tradition, the Sabbath (“Shabbat” in Hebrew) is observed once a week starting at just before Sundown on Friday and ending at nightfall on Saturday. On the Sabbath, Jews are traditionally meant to stop doing any labor, which under the traditional definition covers a large variety of productive activities. The beginning of the Sabbath is marked by a candle lighting ceremony, which is depicted in Fiddler on the Roof during “Sabbath Prayer.” The Sabbath is meant to be a time for families to sing, eat, and pray together and customs around the tradition have adapted and changed over the years. For more information about the Sabbath, click here
A synagogue is a Jewish house of worship that functions as a place for liturgical services as well as assembly and study. While a synagogue is an important place for Jewish people, it is not necessary for communal worship. Communal Jewish worship can occur wherever at least 10 Jews assemble
Wedding Ceremony
Tzietel and Motel’s wedding is depicted for the audience during “Sunrise Sunset.” At this moment they demonstrate some wedding customs that might be unfamiliar to those outside of the Jewish faith. Traditional Jewish wedding ceremonies feature many specific elements including the canopy, breaking of the glass, and circling. For a detailed description of a Jewish Wedding ceremony, as well as a description of what each of these elements represents, click here